Barbell Shrugged

10 big ideas that could change your life forever

Doug Larson

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  • Great article!! I really appreciate all your articles and the time you put into everthing you do, you really are inspiring to me

  • Great article Chris! Some great motivation for Monday. I do health coaching, so I’m sure some of my people will love it and hopefully I can start the spark in others! Cheers.

  • I struggle with setting pace. I get a “good” idea, and charge forward until I burn out. That is an area I really need to work on ironing out, so I can put in reasonable effort over time to make that “good” idea great.

  • I’ve only just discovered this site / podcast, and already listened to literally every one on iTunes. Im new to Crossfit and Lifting in general (34 yrs old, office worker, drink too much and sleep too little), but listening to the podcasts and reading the site is great motivation to keep on track with my programme. The 10 ideas are absolutely bang – on – take control and responsibility, evaluate, and change it if you aren’t happy. Love it.

  • Your keyboard must have just melted because you undoubtedly just lit a fire under a lot of rear-ends with this article. Extremely well done, sir.

  • Really appreciating these dailies lately (more than the podcast even). I love how they crossover into business/life and are not purely predicated upon fitness. I feel that if you keep putting these together with clear and concise thoughts you will get to the point that you realize you have a book in you. Thanks again Chris.

  • I’ve been having a lot of trouble keeping up with Crossfit and Olympic lifting due to very bad vertigo I’ve had since I was a child. Lately I’ve been thinking of trying strong man and powerlifting…..any suggestions.

  • It’s all about PROGRESS! Right? Read the book by Chris and remember:
    The person responsible for your progress can always be found standing behind the bathroom sink. Go ahead, see for youself. (That is, of course, unless you have a window over the sink. In that case, I don’t know who that person is and maybe you should call the police or something…)

  • This is a fantastic piece. It is written with a voice of priceless experience. I felt like every word was speaking directly to me. I am projecting a career change in the next 18 months and this affirmed my thoughts, enlightened my direction, and calmed my nerves. Thank you for your thoughts Chris and keep them coming.

    • Jon, this is a guests article. It’s not ours. We don’t exclude points of view. What’s the point of that? You don’t beed so much attitude in your comments. Ease up.

  • Love the points of your article. I have a 17 year old that listens to your podcast all the time. (He has me listening now as well) He and I are going to read this article and talk about how it can shape his training but more importantly how it can help shape him as a person and a student. Thanks – Mike

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