“Dr. T, I love CrossFit and I have recently taken my strict pull ups to kipping and I am learning the butterfly kip. Everything is going well with my form and technique but I have developed chronic pain behind my...
“Dr. T, I have a desk job with a long commute. I know I do not have great posture, but I love working out and being active. Recently, I have started to experience significant shoulder pain when I am overhead squatting...
Shoulder Suicide You aren’t lifting weights just to burn off calories or aggression. The gym is your sanctuary to test yourself, find your upper limits, create goals, and smash them. The barbell has a simple way of...
Lower back pain is proof that your strength, speed, and power is built on a faulty foundation. There is no amount of foam rolling and mobilizing that can save you. The problem goes deeper, beyond soft tissues and...
I want you to meet Stephen! Great guy that Stephen. Did you know Stephen added 40 pounds to his front squat, decreased his “Helen” time by 2 minutes and 9 seconds, PR’d his snatch by 15 pounds and...
There seems to be some debate amongst the coaches of strength world leaving athletes confused on whether you should “break at the knees” first or “hips back first” for the best position and...
We’ve all seen it and heard about it…the Butt Wink. What causes it? And is it really that bad? And if you butt wink or have athletes that do, how can you fix it? Or do you even need to? In Part 3 of the Fix...
If you ever get that tight, pinching feeling at the top of your hips when squatting and just feel like the Tin Man trying to sit comfortably in a deep squat, then your rickety-ass hips may be the problem. But...