Barbell Shrugged

Built by The Iron

Doug Larson

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  • Henry’s incredibly responsive to those who get in touch with him through his website. Give him a shout, you might not get an interview but I’d bet he’d respond knowing you wrote this.

  • Awesome article. Henry Rollins is a true genius in a world of fakes. Am starting to lift myself June 1st and have no clue what to do. This article helps a bit!!! Thanks!!

  • Getting him on the show would be the greatest thing ever! The man can talk about any topic and somehow captivate every person in the room through unabashed honesty and genuine, extreme enthusiasm.

  • My age, past 50, throwing weights around 30+ years, Black Flag I really never got into. That being said, I’m a huge fan of Henry. There are very few people that can speak so openly with knowledge and passion as Henry does.
    I’d love to hear hear an episode with him. My favorite quote “Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.” and yes, I’ve actually used that in business presentations.

  • Henry got me motivated to start lifting by watching his live gigs on vhs. Started with aerobics, push ups and chin ups. That started the bug to enhance that with weights and soon enough it motivated my friends and brother to start lifting too. I guess they saw my results and increasing sense of confidence. Then it pushed my running to the point where I completed the LA Marathon 2005. Life took it’s toll on me thereafter and put on a ton of weight but it’s giving me the bug to start lifting again.

  • Three people have influenced, shaped, formed and guided my training life. I’ve been lifting for over 30 years, I run a great little S+C gym in Cardiff (Wales), I have 3 great kids and a fantastic wife. I genuinely owe this all to Arnie, Bruce Lee and Henry Rollins. Arnie and Bruce were aspirational Gods from Olympus, who breathed that rarified air that only immortals can breathe. I felt I could admire but never replicate them.
    Rollins wasn’t aspirational, he was inspirational. I could do what he did. I could become what he became. Middle-class with issues? Yep. More geek then jock? Oh yes. As likely to be found with his face in a book then in the weight-room? Yeah buddy.
    He showed me that you could be strong yet humble. That you could be a Badass but a good man. That consistency, commitment and the ability to put your head down and grind and grind and grind trumps everything else.
    I love what you Barbell shrugged boys are doing. Changing S+C one podcast at a time.
    Peace and love.

  • My roommate an ex-Marine, I mean a ret. Marine, once a marine always a marine, gave me a Black Flag tape when we were in our twenties, a cassette tape that I listened to in my Alpine car stereo. I remember cranking his version of “Louie Louie” I had only know the version my Dad’s band played and Rollins’ one was intense. I always thought, this guy is fucking intense, then I saw him and knew he was intense. Lesson learned, grow mentally & physically as a human and you can do anything, do not remain stagnant.

  • Chris,
    I will absolutely be contacting Mr. Rollins to collaboratively influence him for Barbell Shrugged. I recently wrote an article for our website referencing Henry Rollins article and my transformation as a high school lifter. 20 years later I still think back to his article and how weight training is such a big and powerful part of my life. The iron never lies to you. Love it and good luck.

    Keep up the awesomeness,


  • Chris,
    On one of the shows either you or Mike mentioned the greens supplement that you take daily. If I remember correctly the supplementation was Protein shakes at times(sometimes just more meat), creatine daily, greens daily, zma daily.



  • […] “La fuerza es algo que se gana, repetición a repetición. Cuando levantas pesas pesadas, te sientes poderoso, tanto física como mentalmente. Tu punto de vista se ve reforzado. Tu voz crece clara y fuerte. Con todo, tú, físicamente más fuerte, eres una versión mucho mejor de ti. Esa es la verdadera lección de El Hierro. No importa dónde empiezas. Elija una hora del día, ve al gimnasio y levanta, no importa lo que está en el camino. Ese tipo de hábito y compromiso transformará tu vida.” – Chris Moore. D.E.P. Built by The Iron- Barbell Shrugged. […]

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