Drew Canole is nutrition specialist, transformation specialist and national spokesperson for the benefits of juicing vegetables for health and vitality. He is the founder and CEO of Fitlife.TV, where he shares educational, inspirational and entertaining videos and articles about health, fitness, healing and longevity. Drew is also a best selling author and the founder of Organifi, an organic, incredibly delicious greens powder, chock-full of superfoods to make juicing easy no matter your busy schedule.
Special offer: Use promo code: “SHRUGGED” for 20% OFF at Organifi.
Juicing daily, eating clean and working out smarter
Drew Canole went from being an overweight guy, who liked to consume a bunch of food and energy drinks regularly, including alcohol every weekend, to a rockstar in the world of fitness, nutrition and mindset, with a huge heart to help others and transform the world.
Drew used lived in Tampa, FL, where most of his environment led a similar unhealthy lifestyle, which he wanted to break from. He was introduced to juicing by a friend, and decided to give a try as well. Drew went all in on making healthy choices, he began juicing daily, eating clean and working out smarter, and lost 40 lb. in 90 days!
After experiencing his own success, Drew was inspired to start a movement that can inspire others. It all started with a dream, in which he was dying! 💀 The day after, when Drew woke up, made a switch, and ever since has been relentless about helping people. He also moved to San Diego, CA to be surrounded by like-minded people who can support his big vision.
Key Takeaways
- Turmeric — A plant that is good for fighting inflammation, and can improve your mood and overall feeling.
- Ashwagandha — An adaptogen that doesn’t taste good, but helps with testosterone, mental clarity and stress.
- Chlorella — One of the best plant based fat sources on the planet. helps detox heavy metals from the body.
- Spirulina — Greatest form of B12 on the planet, helps with stem cell regeneration.
- Lemon balm magnesium — Helps the body relax.
- Medicinal mushrooms — Cordyceps, reishi, and turkey tail mushrooms are good for your immune system, longevity, and muscle relaxation.
- Lion’s Mane mushrooms — Good to take before bed for improving the immune system, memory support, and having more vivid dreams.
- The more vividly you remember your dreams, the healthier you are — remembering your dreams is associated with your overall health. If you don’t dream or can’t remember your dreams too well, it might be a sign that you need to improve your health.
- Transforming strangers is easier than transforming people who are close to you — If you’re trying to transform people’s lives, you’re better off trying to influence people that are not family or close friends. Those will be the last people to get influenced by your extraordinary ideas. That’s just how relationship dynamics go. People that are not so close to you, are more open to take advice and get transformed by you.
“Changing a cheat meal to a treat meal changed everything.” — Drew Canole
Connect with Drew Canole
Connect on social: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
Resources: DrewCanole.com, Fitlife.TV, Organifi (use promo code: “SHRUGGED” for 20% OFF)
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Train smart,
Mike and Doug
Great interview… I haven’t tried juicing, but I notice a massive change in energy levels
& mental clarity in my self when I go 2-3 days with no processed foods…
For sure. I find it really easy to remove BS food from my diet when I start with micronutrient rich foods early in the day.
Great, thanks for sharing this.