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Let me tell you what I’ve learned about people’s beliefs.
Beliefs bend, they don’t break.
Do you get that?
We’ll come back to it in a minute….
Do you have anyone (wife, husband, kids, parents, cousins, friends, etc) that you’re trying to positively influence to start eating cleaner and take better care of themselves?
I guess I should ask, do you have people you care about?
Have you gone down this path before?
Maybe you’ve come off to them as a health snob who’s trying to preach the “Paleo gospel!”
In their eyes, you basically just kicked down the door, and said “Aight, we’re gonna pull out all the fun food and you’re gonna to eat plants!”
This can really backfire when you’re trying to teach someone you care about how to eat cleaner and live a healthier lifestyle.
This brings me back to my first point from earlier. Beliefs don’t break, they bend. You HAVE to meet people where they are at.
One more thing…who are you to even think you know what’s best for them?
What gives you the credibility to give someone you care about any advice on how to “change themselves”?
Maybe you don’t. Maybe nothing.
BUT you have made the change yourself, and that change was more than likely influenced from someone else. Someone you trusted and who’s advice you take seriously.
So ask yourself first, “Am I in a position to give this kind of advice?”
If not, “What do I need to do to change that?”
Maybe YOU need to take your eating habits a little more seriously.
Especially if those that you’re trying to help only see you posting pictures of yourself crushing donuts…
How can you expect them to take your advice seriously?
Just some food for thought. (see what I did there?)
This week we interview Thomas Cox of MealFit. Thomas has a gift when it comes to speaking to people.
He is a very positive person, and speaks with a lot of confidence.
Not confidence because he thinks he knows more than everyone, he’s equally as humble. But confidence in that he really believes in what he is doing.
His mission is to help make families lives easier to be healthy. And he truly believes that it starts in the kitchen.
This episode is going to shock a LOT of people, scare some, and piss some others off. But what needs to be said, is said.
There is a really powerful, uplifting message in here. See if you can find it.
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“Your BODY is your BILLBOARD”
AWESOME PODCAST with MEALFIT! Thomas Cox is a humble, healthy, lead-by-example believer and leader in the world of health and wellness. His statement (amongst many) that you should always experiment on yourself 1st prior to advising, guiding, and coaching anyone is right on target (Bullseye) 1st we must help ourselves before we can help ourselves. Practice what we preach by leading by example with our actions, not just our words. Activity with purpose elicits results. Results = Health + Wealth + Happiness
*Correction: “1st we must help ourselves before we can help anyone else.”
Keep dropping knowledge bombs dudes!
Awesome podcast! Thanks Thomas & Barbell Shrugged
I really value the step-by-step, little-by-little approach offered by Thomas to help people progressively eat healthier. I am a nutrition coach, and it’s really disconcerting to have a client who is trying to change their eating lives, but then tells me about certain foods in the house (that shouldn’t be in the house) because it’s “for the kids.” WHAAA? OMG, why are you NOT changing your kids’ diet along with your own diet? Do you want them to have to hire a nutrition coach when they’re your age??
Also, getting my clients to meal prep and involving their kids in washing veggies, etc. is leading by example and TEACHES their own kids how to be ADULTS who KNOW HOW TO FEED THEMSELVES…not to mention the several hundred extra calories that get spent via shopping, prepping, and cooking your own meals helping to increase weekly calorie burn.
It’s a very scary thing to think about the number of people who literally do not choose to feed themselves…giving up their lives to others….
Keep up the good fight Thomas, MealFit, and “BB shruggers”!
Definitely will try this on my friends since most of them don’t workout. Thanks For This Post.
Helpful podcast Mike! I’m involving in the diet for CrossFit. This podcast will help me well along.
Thank you!
So where’s the recipe for the Jasmine Rice that so good “you’ll want to throw your gramma in a ditch.”??????
Yes also hoping for the rice recipe!!!