You ever think about how much you use your hands when you train? Think about it. When you are using a barbell, a kettlebell, the pull up rig, or a pair of rings, your grip strength is playing a huge role in your strength, how long you can perform the movement, and the level of movement capacity you have. More importantly, it is typically the first thing to give out.
In this week’s show, we caught up with Andy Galpin and Kenny Kane at CrossFit LA to talk about how you can step up your game when it comes to grip strength. We dive into wrist mobility, gymnastics drills, and why you need to be training your grip in different positions.
Example: the 2015 CrossFit Games Pegboard challenge. Some of the strongest athletes in the world are throwing massive weight overhead, doing gnarly metcons, and performing kipping pullups for days …but as soon as they are required to turn their hand position 90 degrees, their grip strength goes to shit. You can bet that the games athletes who fell apart in that event are going to be spending some time training their grip strength. You should too, and a great place to start is with this episode.
Enjoy the show,
For More:
- Want to test how strong your grip is and learn how to improve it? Take our free Shrugged Strength Test to see how strong you actually are.
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Can you provide any info on the research that Andy is talking about at approx 31:00 (grip strength as a strong predictor of mortality) and also at about 32:15 (grip strength training lowering blood pressure)?
Thank you.
[…] Barbell Sthrugged: How to Train your Grip (PODCAST / VIDEO) […]