Metabolisms are confusing as hell.
You’re in the gym training hard and it’s frustrating not seeing the results.
Over time, that frustration beats you down and you start losing motivation to train.
Training is the fuel that brings fire to your life.
Getting strong and looking strong shouldn’t be such a daunting process.
Register for the “Diesel Dad Diet”
Inside the “Diesel Dad Diet” you will receive:
- “Diesel Dad Diet”: Your guide to optimizing your metabolism.
- Diesel Dad Nutrition: Personalized macros to lose 13 pounds in 13 weeks
- Three Training Programs: Strength, Hypertrophy, and Conditioning to Build Mus
- C&K “Diesel Blend”: 3-Months of free coffee
Register for the “Diesel Dad Diet”
In this Episode of Barbell Shrugged:
- What is your metabolism.
- Finding your baseline metabolic rate
- Increasing non exercise to burn fat
- How much does training matter
- How many calories do you burn by eating
Coach Travis Mash on Instagram
Training Programs to Build Muscle
Nutrition Programs to Lose Fat and Build Muscle
Nutrition and Training Bundles to Save 67%
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