Barbell Shrugged

Morning Routines, the Gym Industry, and Being a Diesel Dad w/ Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Travis Mash – Barbell Shrugged #534

Anders Varner


  • Just started listening to you guys over the past couple of weeks. Really appreciated this conversation about starting your day off right. As a father in his early 30’s it seemed like you were talking to me. Hate working out super early, but still want to move some? Have some neck pain? Taking a bit of your suggestions and applying them to my routine I already have will help me physically and mentally.

    I set two alarms, one for 0600 and one for 0625. I started this a few years ago while at a school for aviation safety (Marine aviator) and the doctor/professor teaching the course on aero medicine suggested doing this to allow your mind time to wake up. It works. I don’t hit snooze. Next, Get in the shower. I do it every morning. Couple that with my neck exercises so I don’t skip them and relieve some pain. Four years of college football and nine years in the marines flying and carrying packs has done a number. Change over, make my coffee and walk out to the garage to do 10 minutes of exercise. I’ll probably incorporate some Physical Therapy exercises from a knee surgery two years ago with some other exercises you guys suggested. Get in the car and go to work and still get there on time. Nothing changed except a mindset and deciding to be productive.

    I also plan to spend my days off with my daughter (and the other two that are on their way) being active as Mash did with his little one on Saturday.

    Basically, glad I started listening to you guys in my drive to and from work.

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