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Save almost 70% OFF 6 Programs! Advanced Bodyweight, DIY Bodyweight Metcons, Bands and Bodyweight, Aerobic Monster, Maximum Mobility, Faction Foods and Nutrition Course for $147! Total value $482.

6 Programs for the Price of 1 Program!

Advanced Bodyweight, DIY Bodyweight Metcons, Bands and Bodyweight, Aerobic Monster, Maximum Mobility, Faction Foods Nutrition Course

One-time offer to get all 6 programs for the price of 1!

Here’s what you get:

  1. Advanced Bodyweight – Muscle Building Bodyweight Training ($47 value)
  2. DIY Bodyweight Metcons – Follow our template, build your own workouts ($47 value)
  3. Bands and Bodyweight – Hypertrophy focused band and bodyweight training ($47 value)
  4. Aerobic Monster – Increase Aerobic Capacity with Running, Rowing, or Airdyne. ($47 value)
  5. Maximum Mobility – Joint-by-joint assessment, exercises, and drills to increase mobility ($197 value)
  6. Faction Foods Nutrition Course — How To Eat and Create Systems for Health and Longevity ($97 value)

Total Value $482.


Same Money Back Guarantee

30 Day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.


If you have any questions please email help@barbellshrugged.com

Train smart,

Doug and Anders

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