The Barbell Shrugged gang is joined by paleo pastry chef Brandi Marter. Stay tuned to the end for a special Barbell Shrugged cooking show!
Paleo Desserts w/ Brandi Marter – Episode 10
Introduction (1:30)
Crossfit Coaches Coarse (2:00)
Brandi’s Background (4:13)
Curls and Goat Milk (9:48)
Paleo (11:44)
Brandi’s Bakery at Yolo (14:38)
Resisting Non-Paleo (17:36)
Paleo Recipe Substitution (21:30)
Primal Versus Paleo (29:56)
Satisfying the Sweet tooth (33:22)
Cigarettes & Nicotine for Performance (34:55)
Closing on Paleo Recipe Substitution (39:45)
Paleo Options & Changing Your Pallet (44:39)
Incorporating Protein into Baked Goods (50:26)
Defense Nutrition Protein (51:43)
Warrior Diet & Primal Ways (54:30)
Paleo Zone History (56:28)
Plugs (58:15)
Doug’s Pistol Video (59:30)
In the Kitchen with Brandi (1:05:50)