Functional Fitness Bundle
Barbell Shrugged’s “Functional Fitness Bundle” is for the functional fitness athlete that wants to improve their strength, gymnastics, weightlifting and build a bigger engine in six weeks.
Program Goals
- Increase Snatch and Clean and Jerk
- Improve Technique in Olympic Lifts
- Build Strength in the Back Squat
- Olympic Lifting Workout Builder
- Personalized Nutrition
- Joint-by-Joint Mobility and Warm Ups
What you get: Seven Functional Fitness, Goal Specific Training Programs
- “Gymnastics Focused Functional Fitness” – 6-Week Gymnastics Focused CrossFit Program ($47)
- “Shrugged Functional Weightlifting” – 6-Week Olympic Weightlifting Focused CrossFit Program ($47)
- “Strength Bias Functional Fitness” – 6-Week Strength Bias CrossFit Program ($47)
- “Anaerobic Assault” – 12-Week Anaerobic Engine Building Accessory Program ($47)
- “Aerobic Monster” – 12-Week Aerobic Capacity Accessory Program ($47)
- “Open Prep” – 7-Week Competition Prep Cycle ($47)
- “Advanced Functional Fitness Workout Builder” – 6-Week Advanced CrossFit Strength and Conditioning Template ($47)
Total Retail Value $329 for all 7 Programs.
Five Functional Fitness Essentials
The days of preparing for the “Unknown and Unknowable,” throwing random workouts on a whiteboard, and thinking you are going to get fitter are over.
Trying to get better at everything is the recipe for improving at nothing.
You need an honest assessment of strengths and weaknesses, a system for eliminating those weaknesses, turning them into strengths, and building work capacity.
There are five essential elements to functional fitness.
- Strength: In CrossFit, strength is king. It makes every other category easier, your body more resilient, recovery faster, and your movements more efficient.
- Olympic Lifting: The combination of speed power is essential for mastering the lifts and builds a foundation of athleticism that carries over to every other aspect of fitness.
- Gymnastics: More than muscle ups and handstand pushups, body awareness, mobility, and agility critical components of well rounded fitness.
- Work Capacity: Build your aerobic and anaerobic engine to push the gas pedal longer and harder without hitting the red line.
- Testing: Weekend competitions, CrossFit Open, or competing with friends, you should test your limits a couple times a year and you need a plan to get there.
This is exactly why we created the Functional Fitness Bundle.
To create intelligent, goal specific training programs to ensure your weaknesses become strengths, your strengths get stronger, and you continue improving your fitness.
Intelligent, Goal Specific Training
“I want to be good at everything.”
That sentence is probably why you started your CrossFit journey in the first place.
In fitness nerd speak, we call it GPP, General Physical Preparedness.
But, if “being good at everything,” is the goal, where do you start?
General Physical Preparedness starts with understanding the components of physical fitness (Strength, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting, Conditioning, Testing).
Followed by an objective self assessment of current strengths and weaknesses to accurately gauge what you need to work on.
- Do you need to increase strength?
- Increase speed, power, and athleticism?
- Can you perform basic gymnastics movements?
- Can you go hard in short workouts?
- Do you gas out in long workouts?
Finally, finding programs that target these weaknesses without allowing other areas of fitness to fall.
This model is the exact reason we created the Functional Fitness Bundle.
To provide functional fitness programs biased towards increasing specific weaknesses so you can crush workouts and life.
Barbell Shrugged’s “Functional Fitness Bundle” is for the functional fitness athlete that wants to improve their strength, gymnastics, weightlifting and build a bigger engine in six weeks
We All Want to Be Awesome
CrossFit is quite possibly the coolest thing that has ever happened in fitness since I started working out two decades ago.
I love CrossFit, CrossFitters, and any functional fitness athlete that trains hard, wants to learn, and improve their physical capacity.
The biggest problem with CrossFit isn’t the training, it is the people.
You are too awesome.
You want to do it all, learn every skill, lift all the weight, and do everything as fast as possible.
Unfortunately, over time, it leads to burnout, over training, and injury.
The Functional Fitness Bundle solves that.
To get you fitter and provide intelligent, goal specific, functional fitness training programs to get you strong, lean, and athletic.
I want you in the gym lifting heavier weights, doing more muscle ups, and crushing metcons.
But, I want you to be smart, setting goals, working on weaknesses, and focusing your training to be the best athlete you can be.
Sample Workouts
“Gymnastics Focused Functional Fitness”
“Shrugged Functional Weightlifting”
“Strength Bias Functional Fitness”
“Anaerobic Assault”
“Aerobic Monster”
“Open Prep”
“Advanced Functional Fitness Workout Builder”
Recommended Equipment
*Having access to a gym is suggested
- Pull Up Bar or Something Similar
- Rings, TRX, or Suspension Training System
- Bench, Box, or Chair for Dips
- Bands
- Barbells
- Dumbbells
- Kettlebells
- Cardio Equipment
Stronger, Fitter, and More Athletic – Start Today
Barbell Shrugged’s “Functional Fitness Bundle” is for the functional fitness athlete that wants to improve their strength, gymnastics, weightlifting and build a bigger engine in six weeks.
Click, “Add to Cart,” Apple Pay, or Paypal to purchase today.
You will immediately receive all seven resources within 2 minutes of placing your order.
30 Day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
Start Today.
Doug and Anders
If you have any questions please email
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