Kettlebell Physique
“Kettlebell Physique” combines functional bodybuilding principles with the science of hypertrophy into a six week program to build a strong, lean physique using kettlebells.
- Stuck in a plateau, losing motivation, and want to focus on hypertrophy?
- Want a science based solution to building a strong, lean physique?
- No gym, no barbell, and no heavy weights but still want to build muscle?
- Want an effective and efficient way to get strong and lean without a ton of equipment?
- Tired of doing swings and want to use kettlebells for strength training?
Time to Build Muscle Using Kettlebells
The kettlebell is the most dynamic, versatile, and minimalist tool for building muscle.
The misconception is that kettlebells are great for high repetition swings and long conditioning workouts.
They are.
But the benefits do not stop there.
They are heavy, forcing muscles to adapt to external load.
They are dynamic and require functional, compound movements for full body strength.
Using them unilaterally requires increased core stability and muscle development.
The endless kettlebell swings are done and it is time to build serious muscle.
How to Efficiently Build Muscle Using Kettlebells
All you need for safe, effective, and efficient hypertrophy strength training is a kettlebell and your own bodyweight.
That is it.
One kettlebell, hard work, and dedication to build muscle, lose fat, and transform your body.
Here are the facts and science is on your side.
There are three mechanisms to building muscle:
- Mechanical Tension – Resistance Training
- Muscular Damage – Rebuilding of muscle tissue
- Metabolic Stress – Light weights for higher reps
Nowhere in there does it say fancy gyms, heavy barbells, and endless time spent pumping iron.
You need simple, effective, and efficient training that grows muscle by adding external load, breaking down and repairing tissue, and creating stress on muscles.
That is why we created “Kettlebell Physique.”
A unique, one-of-a-kind training program combining functional bodybuilding principles with the science of hypertrophy into a six week program to build a strong, lean physique using kettlebells.
Three Major Benefits of Kettlebell Hypertrophy Training
What you see as a disadvantage not having a gym will become your largest asset in getting the results you are looking for.
The Top Three Advantages of Using Kettlebells to Build Muscle:
- Heavy and Healthy: Kettlebells are heavy and awkward making it impossible to grind through heavy weights with poor form. This forces a mind-muscle connection and proper mechanics to build strong muscles and healthy joints.
- Unilateral Strength: Utilizing single arm and single leg exercises increases strength, eliminates asymmetries and imbalances, and makes lighter weights very challenging.
- Core Strength: Because the kettlebell is an awkward shaped object it increases the demand on your core giving you all the benefits of ab training without all the situps.
“Kettlebell Physique,” hard work, and dedication are the essential tools to building muscle and transforming your body.
How Does it Work?
You will receive six-weeks of functional bodybuilding kettlebell workouts to build a strong, lean physique.
Each workout will take 30-60 minutes and can be completed as a stand alone workout or in addition to your current training plan.
Plus, each eBook comes with the nutrition, recovery, and coaching to ensure you hit your goals.
Bonus Resources:
- “How to Eat” Nutrition Guide – Foods that Build Muscle and Burn Fat
- Macronutrient Guide – Personalized macros that work for you
- Recovery Guide – Build muscle, better recovery, and more energy
- Video Movement Guide – “How To” movement demos and explanations
- Workout Tracking Sheets – Track your results and see improvements
- Private Facebook Group – Coaching and Community Support
What Equipment is Needed?
- Kettlebells (Multiple Sets Recommended but not Necessary)
- Bench, Box or Chair
Sample Workouts
Build Muscle, Confidence, and a Physique You are Proud Of
Build the body, confidence, and begin your transformation today.
“Kettlebell Physique” can be yours today for $47.
Click, “Add to Cart,” Apple Pay, or Paypal to purchase today.
You will immediately be emailed your copy of the eBook and have access to all 30 workouts to start today.
You will receive “Kettlebell Physique” within 2 minutes of placing your order.
Purchase “Dumbbell Physique” today for $47.
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30 Day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
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Doug and Anders
If you have any questions please email
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