Olympic Weightlifting Bundle
Improve Strength, Speed, and Technique in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk
“The “Olympic Lifting Bundle” is for Athletes that snatch under 200/140 pounds, clean and jerk under 275/195 and want to increase these lifts by 20 pounds in 8 weeks.
Program Goals
- Increase Snatch and Clean and Jerk
- Improve Technique in Olympic Lifts
- Build Strength in the Back Squat
- Olympic Lifting Workout Builder
- Personalized Nutrition
- Joint-by-Joint Mobility and Warm Ups
What You Get: 5 Training Programs
- “OTC 8-Week Snatch Cycle” – Strength Program Focused on Improving Snatch ($47)
- “OTC 8-Week Clean Cycle” – Strength Program Focused on Improving Clean ($47)
- “Olympic Weightlifting Strength Template” – Olympic Lifting Workout Builder ($47)
- “Squat the House” – 12 Week Squat Program ($47)
- “Barbell Beginner to Meet” – 8-Week Peak Cycle ($47)
Two Bonus Resources:
- “World Class Weightlifting” – Justin Thacker’s 20-Module Weightlifting Technique Course ($147)
- “Nutrition for Weightlifters” – How to Eat for Strength ($147)
Total Retail Value $529 for all 7 Programs.
7 Programs for the price of 2 saving you over $400.
Weightlifting 101: The Snatch and Clean and Jerk
Struggle with the Olympic Lifts?
Of course you do. They are their own Olympic sport and if you’re like me, you are not an Olympian.
I love the snatch and clean and jerk. The Olympic lifts are the advanced degree of strength. More than getting a pump, they combine strength, speed, and power to throw heavy weight from the floor to overhead.
But it has not always been a love story.
My frustration with the lifts hit rock bottom in 2011. It nearly drove me away from strength training and CrossFit altogether.
I was a strength athlete my whole life but the Olympic lifts were foreign.
I never had a coach, didn’t know how to program, and my technique was a disaster.
I looked in the mirror, swallowed my ego, and asked for help.
I went all in, learned how to write programs, examined my weaknesses, made them strengths, and learned drills to fix my technique.
That summer, after months of hard work, I added 45 pounds to my jerk, snatched 225, and cleaned over 300 pounds.
I know how hard these lifts are and how to help you get stronger.
The answer is in quality training programs, perfecting your technique, and hard work.
Barbell Shrugged’s Olympic Weightlifting Bundle is the most complete training bundle to improve strength, technique, and athleticism in the snatch and clean and jerk.
How Much Ya’ Snatch: Strength Ratios for Snatch and Clean and Jerk
The most important question in strength is never about how much weight you can lift right now.
The better question is, how much are going to lift in the future?
How much will you lift on a program that improves your weaknesses?
How much will you lift when you improve your technique?
How much will you lift when your squat, snatch, and clean and jerk ratios align to maximize your strength, speed, and athleticism?
I want your snatch to be 65% of your best High Bar Back Squat.
If it is not, start with the “OTC: 8-Week Snatch Cycle.”
I want your clean and jerk to be 78% of your best High Bar Back Squat.
If it is not, start with the “OTC: 8-Week Clean and Jerk Cycle.”
Both of these numbers below where they should be?
Start with the “Olympic Weightlifting Strength Template” to increase strength, speed, and athleticism around the barbell.
Need to increase your squat, strength, or peak for an upcoming competition?
“Squat the House” and “Barbell Beginner to Meet” have you covered.
The Olympic Lifting Bundle is not for the lifter you are today.
It is for the strength athlete you want to become. A stronger, faster, more athletic lifter that trains hard and achieves their goals.
Technique: The Foundation of Performance
No amount of strength will overcome poor technique.
Great technique will not overcome being weak.
Strength and Technique work together in a symphony of explosive power and poetry in motion.
How you address the bar, the setup, is the easiest indicator of made or missed lifts. How your feet grab the floor, the position of the hip, and back angle to create strength around the spine.
The pulls, there are three, unique in purpose and fluid in practice. The first is controlled, keeping the bar tight to the body. The second is explosive, driving through the floor, elevating the bar and transitioning into the third, pulling yourself under the bar into a receiving position.
The final phase is the catch or receiving position.
The most demanding position challenging mobility, stability, and strength in the overhead squat, front rack, and split jerk.
The non-negotiables to improving your technique are the proper skills, drills, and assessments in your setup, the three pulls, and receiving positions.
Coaching, courses, and community make Barbell Shrugged’s Olympic Weightlifting Bundle the most complete training bundle to improve strength, technique, and athleticism in the snatch and clean and jerk.
Performance: Strength, Speed, and Athleticism
The goal is to set PR’s.
You can study, record movements, watch video, and read articles all day.
None of it matters unless you can confidently stand over a barbell and put it over your head.
Performance is the metric that matters.
Confidence is the feeling.
Strength is the tool.
Speed is the mechanism.
Athleticism is the combination.
You are the machine.
And, Personal Records are the outcome.
Barbell Shrugged’s “Olympic Weightlifting Bundle” is the most complete training bundle to improve strength, technique, and athleticism in the snatch and clean and jerk.
Sample Workouts
“OTC: 8-Week Snatch Cycle”
“OTC: 8-Week Clean Cycle”
“Olympic Weightlifting Strength Template”
“Squat the House”
“Barbell Beginner to Meet”
Bonus 1: “World Class Weightlifting”
Bonus 2: “Nutrition for Weightlifters”
Recommended Equipment
* Having access to a gym is suggested
- Pull Up Bar or Something Similar
- Rings, TRX, or Suspension Training System
- Bench, Box, or Chair for Dips
- Bumper Plates
- Barbells
- Dumbbells
- Kettlebells
- Cardio Equipment
Increase Strength, Speed, and Technique Today
Barbell Shrugged’s “Olympic Weightlifting Bundle” is the most complete training bundle to improve strength, technique, and athleticism in the snatch and clean and jerk.
Click, “Add to Cart,” Apple Pay, or Paypal to purchase today.
You will immediately receive all eight resources within 2 minutes of placing your order.
Click, “Add to Cart,” Apple Pay, or Paypal to purchase today.
30 Day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
Start Today.
Doug and Anders
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