Open Prep
12-Week CrossFit Open Prep Cycle
The Open is Here: It’s Showtime
You train hard all year for five weeks to lay it all on the line in the CrossFit Open.
You eat the right food, spend extra time practicing lifts, and work on your weaknesses.
Your gym community, friends, and family have seen your transformation in preparation.
Now it is time to put on the final touches.
“Open Prep” is a 12 week training program to prepare you for the CrossFit Open and coach you through the 5 week online competition.
The Test is No Longer Unknown and Unknowable
There was a time when the fitness world stood still, patiently waiting for the announcement of the first Open workout.
What came out of the hopper was unknown, unknowable, and we waited on the edge of our seats.
That drama still unfolds, but the tests are no longer as unknown or unknowable.
We know you will need high skill gymnastics: Muscle Ups, High Rep Pull Ups, and Handstand Push Ups.
We know you will have a max effort lift.
We know there will be high rep barbell cycling.
We know you will need to work hard and pace workouts between six and 20 minutes long.
We know that mental toughness is an asset.
We know that “Open Prep” is the program you need to build an engine, strength, and skill to make this the best CrossFit Open of your career.
How Does it Work?
“Open Prep” takes you from seven weeks away from the open all the way through the end of the open.
The goal of this program is to maintain strength, build/peak the anaerobic system and peak the aerobic system.
Open Prep will help you taper your training designed around the open being performed on Friday each week.
You will start “practicing” open style workouts on Friday’s from the beginning so your body gets used to that.
This program is a decent amount of volume depending on what type of program you are coming from.
It’s structure is designed to give you a lot of touches on the movements that are commonly performed during the open without accumulating any overuse injuries during this time.
The last 5 weeks have space for the Open wod to be performed on Friday with the final week being a slight deload.
After that last Open wod is performed, we suggest taking an absolute minimum of one week completely off and out of the gym for recovery.
Bonus Resources:
- Workout Log Sheets to track progress
- Video Exercise Demonstration
- Progress Report
What Equipment is Needed?
Access to a CrossFit gym, or gym with similar equipment is highly recommended.
Sample Workouts
Your Best CrossFit Open Finish is Here
“Open Prep” can be yours today for $47.
Click, “Add to Cart,” Apple Pay, or Paypal to purchase today.
You will be emailed login information and taken to the program page to see your initial assessments and workouts.
You will have access to “Open Prep” in 2 minutes.
Purchase “Open Prep” today for $47.
Click, “Add to Cart,” Apple Pay, or Paypal to purchase today.
30 Day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
Start Today.
Doug and Anders
If you have any questions please email
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