Shoulder health is easy to take for granted, UNTIL YOU LOOSE IT.
When it’s gone you’re in for a fight to get it back, you’ll likely never reach your full potential in the gym. That sucks!
So, don’t lose it.
We never train with heavy barbells without first mobilizing and activating our shoulders. The load will wear you down in time, but if you start moving better now and take steps to strengthen and restore your shoulders every single day, you will feel much better, quickly. You’re technique in most lifts will also improve significantly, which will only help your performance and overall health.
One of my all-time favorite shoulder exercises is the face-pull. You can perform this movement almost anywhere, and get huge benefits out of it. When it doubt, do some pulls to your face!
I hope you enjoy this episode of TechniqueWOD.
Move well,
Learn more
- Need more mobility help? Check out Maximum Mobility in the Barbell Shrugged shop.
- Don’t miss your chance to register for the upcoming MUSCLE GAIN CHALLENGE. Spots are limited.
What kind of rep scheme should we be using for the pull-to-face drill?
I love sets of 8-15.
Thanks for the video Doug. I have one question. When I do the face pull with external rotation, there is a lot of snap, crackle, and pop in my shoulders. Is that normal or ok or something I should be concerned about? Thanks again.
You’re probably fine. Just avoid pain.
How often a week should this be done. I have bad shoulders. Hanging from the bar hurts. Kipping and dipping is painfully uncomfortable. Overhead squat and squat snatch as well. Thanks.
Take a break from pulls and hanging. Dude this 2-3 times a week at least.
Wow thanks for the vid this was so helpful. Would you have any other suggestions on rehabbing an injury that happened during my birth; I was diagnosed with Erbs Palsy in my right arm and shoulder, so essentially my range of motion is probably at about 60% and my strength is 50% of that in my left arm. There is also considerable physical differences between my two sides, my right arm is underdeveloped and somewhat smaller/shorter than my left side and certain movements are limited as well as range of motion. Skills like HSPU, strict PU and MU have always presented a huge obstacle for me, I’d love any input or suggestion from you guys !
I think this is really helpful and I’m giving it a try today. But also I have a question, what exercises or what would you recommend for shoulder mobility, doing the normal warmup does not help that much and after working out and stretching is usually the same or tighter. I’ve done days of just shoulder mobility and that doesn’t help that much…so what I’m doing is not working that well.
[…] get stronger, build muscle, or more. However in order to get big and strong you need to be able to stay healthy. You will soon become very familiar with foam rollers, stretching, mobility movements. These will […]