DeadliftSquatTechniqueWOD Single-Leg Deadlifts and Skater Squats – TechniqueWOD Subscribe Single leg RDL and skater squats are two great strength-building assistance exercises that are rare in most gyms. We need to change that. Most athletes simply don’t realize they’re an option. They haven’t... Doug Larson699 views
SquatTechniqueWOD The Squat: 3 Fun Squat Variations for Increased Strength – TechniqueWOD Doug shares 3 quick, fun squat variations that are sure to take your strength to the next level. Give it a try. For more TechniqueWOD visit the Barbell Shrugged YouTube page. Doug Larson104 views
SquatTechniqueWOD The Squat: 3 Fun Squat Variations for Increased Strength – TechniqueWOD Doug Larson332 views
SquatTechniqueWOD Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats To Increase Your Leg Strength and Endurance! TechniqueWOD 56 Doug Larson157 views