2 Squat Programs + Mobility + Nutrition Programs for the Price of 1 Program!
OTC: 1RM Back Squat Cycle, Squat the House Accessory Squat Program, Movement Specific Mobility, and Nutrition for Weightlifters
One-time offer to get all 4 programs for the price of 1!
Here’s what you get:
- OTC: 1RM Back Squat Cycle – An 8-week training block to build the biggest back squat of your life ($47 value)
- Squat the House Accessory Squat Program – A 3-month program to squat the house. Accessory workouts <30 min before your regular gym workouts. 3 days a week. ($47 value)
- Movement Specific Mobility – A comprehensive mobility guide for anyone who is working to do full depth front, back and overhead squats as well as deadlifts and sumo deadlifts with perfect technique. ($197 value)
- Nutrition for Weightlifters – A 10 video course containing everything we know about creating and building an effective nutrition strategy to build muscle mass, lose body fat, and improve your overall performance. ($97 value)
Total Value $388.
Same Money Back Guarantee
30 Day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
If you have any questions please email
Train smart,
Doug and Anders
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