“Dr. T,
I live an active life and love to work out. During the day, I rarely experience pain. However, at night, I have a hard time falling asleep because my low back flares up.
I have changed mattresses, pillows, and tried falling asleep in every position possible.
This single problem seems to affect everything in my life. My workouts suffer and I do not have the energy I wish I had during the day. I wish there was a perfect fix so I could fall asleep and stay asleep but the pain keeps me awake.
The last thing I want to do is take a sleeping pill, but sometimes it is the only way.
Please help.“
— Adam (Northfield, MN)
Consider yourself ahead of the game. In my clinic, few patients ever realize the importance of sleep and how it affects their health. You are asking all the right questions and I am here to help.
Experiencing low back pain during sleep is often a sign of instability in the hip. When you walk around during the day, your glutes and abs are doing most of the work. This musculature protects the lower spine.
When you lay down at night however, this musculature relaxes. Now, instead of the glutes and abs providing stability to the pelvis and low spine, your body heavily relies on the connective tissues.
Ideally, you want to practice falling asleep on your back. I understand this is not easy and it may not be a natural position. Your side or stomach may not be ideal, but it does not mean you have to fall asleep in pain every night.
By strengthening the tissues that support your pelvis you are on your way to eight beautiful, restful hours of sleep.
The truth is, the first thing you do every morning will help you sleep better every night. The Low Back Fix six-minute morning routine delivers core strength to stabilize your pelvis and eliminate back pain. The exercises in this morning routing involve proper breathing, stretching, and movements designed to take pressure out of your low back and into the muscles that support your spine. By the time you lay down at night, you will have been strengthening your muscles all day.
To gain instant access to The Low Back Fix morning routine, click the link below.
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