Sara Hendershot, Momentous’ Director of Marketing, is an Olympic rower, successful entrepreneur and living proof that athletes can continue to train and perform at a high level after their athletic peaks. After competing in London in 2012, Sara has transferred her competitive fire from the water into her career and the gym, where she’s now an avid Crossfitter and weightlifter.
Momentous empowers the relentless pursuit of progress in athlete health and wellness, with a mission of creating no-compromise products. The team leverages a one-of-a-kind network in professional sports to create products with performance experts from the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB, starting with a line of NSF-Certified protein powders released in 2018. These products are now purchased by more than 75 professionals and collegiate teams. Learn more at
In this episode of Barbell Shrugged, Anders Varner and Doug Larson discuss:
The path to the Olympics for USA Rowing
Strength and conditioning for Olympic athletes and the resources at the Olympic Training Center
Supplement programs for elite athletes
Why so many supplements test positive for banned substances
How do you create high quality, clean protein powder
And more…
Find your 1rm in the snatch, clean, jerk, squat, dead, bench.
Add them up to find your One Ton Total.
The goal is 2,000 pounds for men and 1,200 for women.
“What is the One Ton Challenge”
“How do I Start the One Ton Challenge”
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