Jen Widerstrom is a personal trainer and fitness model. She is well known for her role of a trainer in the NBC’s long-running and hit series The Biggest Loser, replacing Jillian Michaels where she worked as a body coach and guided the participants through a well-planned exercise regime and also provided the required emotional support to them during their journey to a fitter body. Jen worked with the popular faces including Bob Harper and Jessie Pavelka.
Kenny Santucci is Program Director & Creator of Body by Solace, a total conditioning program using bodyweight movements, kettlebells, Assault Bikes, rowers, and more. Kenny is a dynamic leader, who encourages clients through his no-bull approach to training. When training with Kenny, expect plenty of tough-love. He nicknames his class and clients ‘Team Beautiful’ because he encourages members to exude positivity in all facets of life.
In this episode of Barbell Shrugged, we talk about having a sanctioned event without a governing body for the sport of Crossfit, cheating the judges course, why having “Crossfit” in your gym name might not be good for business, the best feeling in sports and business, using your influence to lift others up, PEDs, and much more!
– Anders and Doug
Episode Breakdown
⚡️0-10: The CBD oil massage tent at Wodapalooza, opinions on CBD, and how can you say something is a sanctioned event if it doesn’t have a governing body?
⚡️11-20: Cheating the judges course, qualifications for being a judge (does CF really care?), the problem with having the word Crossfit in front of your gym name, and becoming so successful that you can take care of your parents
⚡️21-30: The illusion your parents created during your childhood, Kenny’s first childhood memory, and how being on the microphone elevates conversation
⚡️31-40: Seeing a Starbucks across the street from ancient ruins, teaching entrepreneurial skills to your children, being awarded for nothing, and one of the best feelings in sports and business
⚡️ 41-50: You can’t celebrate by yourself, how you get people to want to be part of something, using your influence to lift others up, and the future of Strong New York
⚡️51-60: Taking on others people energy, keeping yourself grounded, the image people put on vs. who they really are, and the life of service
⚡️61-70: How the personality of an event determines the size, the future of Wodapalooza, and why you should be looking back at coaching greatness
⚡️71-83: Ryan Fischer, PEDs, getting popped for taking C4, and what happens to your body when you take the juice
Connect with Jen Widerstrom
Connect on social: Instagram, Facebook
Resources: Jen Widerstrom Website
Connect with Kenny Santucci
Connect on social: Instagram, Facebook
Resources: Kenny Santucci Website, Solace New York
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Train smart,
Mike, Doug and Anders
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