This week the Owner, the Creator, The OG, Doug Larson is back on the show and we decided it was time to flip the mic and interview him.
Doug is known for his technical understanding of movements. Which is why he started TechniqueWOD. He has a great ability to break down complex movements into simple parts, making them really easy to understand and implement into your training.
So this week we thought we could pick his brain on how much time and how often you should spend on practicing “good” technique. We also discuss how too much technique work could hurt your training. After all, the point of training hard is to get better. If you’re just working really hard and not getting better, what’s the point?
Now, we all understand that ONLY doing technique work can eventually become pretty boring, so we discuss several ways as a coach (and as athletes) how you can keep clients motivated while trying to improvement their movement quality (aka unf@#$ their technique). Specifically, creative ways to add technique work into your programs, and how to communicate with athletes on why they’re doing what they’re doing. Which is, to fix movements, so you don’t continue to work against yourself or even worse, get hurt.
It was great to have him back on the show. Doug is a really, really smart dude and I love how deep of an understanding he has on training related topics. We’ll definitely do this format again.
I hope you enjoy!
For more:
We’ve got a ton of FREE videos to help you improve your technique. Check out all our TechniqueWOD videos here.
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