Happy Wednesday Shrugged Crew!
The last few weeks have been pretty intense. Let’s back off on the seriousness a little bit and bring it back to to old school Shrugged. This week we thought it was due time for a throwback episode. So brew up some coffee Chris Moore style, with delicate treatment via french press. Remember, don’t scorch it and ruin your fresh grind like an amateur. We share our stories and experiences about how much the CrossFit® world has changed over the past 10 years.
We go into a little background of how we found it . We also share some of our competition experiences as well as how much the CrossFit® Games have changed from year to year.
Have you noticed how fast nutrition and training volume in this community are evolving?
It’s cool to think back and see what parts of this fitness community are trends and which ones of those have stood the test of time.
There are some funny ass stories in here so make sure you cover your keyboard so when you spit out the black gold your sipping it doesn’t fry your Macbook, Del, or E-machines (…after all, it is a throwback).
It’s all changing and growing so fast. Towards the end we talk about where we think CrossFit® as a sport is heading and what we think the future CrossFit® Games Athletes will look like.
Where do you think it is heading? What do you think things will look like in 5 or 10 years?
It’s a blast to think about it. And I’m super grateful to be along for the ride.
And we’re super grateful to have you with us.
As always, thanks for listening.
P.S. Our Shrugged Strength Challenge program is in full swing with athletes already making progress and getting stronger. Want to join them?
Sign up here to get updates on the next time we launch our Shrugged Strength Challenge program.
We’ll also send you a free copy of the Shrugged Strength Test so you can find out how strong you are and how you can get stronger.
[…] This article first appeared here […]
Great show guys. Quick nutrition question. I’m 43 years and have gravitated to a mostly Paleo/Primal style diet… I do deviate from Paleo a bit since I mix in some raw dairy and also eat starchy carbs like potatoes and rice from time to time since I’m doing CrossFit around 5 days per week and need the glycogen. Other than that I avoid sugar and eat the hell out of meat and other clean foods. I don’t eat bread or other grains so had to chuckle when you guys mentioned bread nazis… that’s definitely me! Ha! So, to my question, I see athletes eating ice cream and Captain Crunch at the Games and basically bashing Paleo so I’m really confused on what the “in the trenches” CrossFit community actually recommends for optimal performance.
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