Barbell Shrugged

The Weightlifter’s Journey, Part One – Barbell Shrugged

Doug Larson

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  • Great episode as usual folks. Definite top 10 contender.

    One question. Around 24:30 Chris says we should all go to Houston in November to see Ilya Ilyin break a world record (yet again). I heard on the grape vine recently that Ilya has said he definitely won’t be at this year’s world champs but instead is focusing his training on preparing for Rio next year. However I haven’t seen any reports on this in the usual sources. Can anybody confirm, or does my grape vine need pruning?

    • @Kevin:
      Hookgrip Post from today:

      lya Ilyin snatching 160kg/352lb in the afternoon training session yesterday in Spała, Poland. This is the heaviest snatch he attempted and he said it is his third week back to normal training. While his plans are not 100% set, he does have to compete in one more qualifying event for individual qualification for the Olympic Games and it sounds like the President’s Cup in Grozny is most likely. Since he is definitely skipping Worlds, if he misses the event in Russia he will likely have to compete in the 2016 Asian Championships which would interrupt his Olympic preparation. So expect to see him in Russia in December! We have dozens of additional training videos from yesterday which we will release in the next few days on YouTube and Facebook.

  • Will the Barbell Shrugged guys be coming the Weightlifting Championships? If so, I’m from Houston would be awesome to meet you guys!

  • Hey Guys,

    I’m in Houston and planning on going to Worlds. Also if you guys need a place to workout at and/or do a podcast at you are always welcome at my gym. Crossfit Memorial Houston. Hope to see you guys in November!

  • Great episode, can’t wait for the rest of the series! Hopefully you will share the days you expect to be at the IWF Champs so we can say hello. Additionally, if you are interested in working out with some great people, hit up Crossfit Roughnecks in Houston. It’s just a few blocks from the Hilton where the event is held, and as a bonus for Doug: the owner, Alex, has a martial arts class on wed and sat. Thanks for the stellar work you all do!

  • Living about an hour outside of Houston, I’m very excited for this event! Hope to meet up with you guys too!


  • Awesome episode guys. Really looking forward to this series you guys are doing. What online resources are good for weightlifting information if there isn’t a coach really close. I read all your ebooks and a lot of stuff catalyst athletics puts out.

    • I would make time to go out and visit coaches. You can always make a drive once a month…whatever…to visit and trying, learn. Do it, so worth the effort.

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