Yes, full range of motion squats should be done the vast majority of the time, and are the most bang for your buck in most situations.
That said, intentional quarter squats can be very useful for breaking thru a strength plateau (you’re training hard but can’t seem to get any stronger…).
A big part of hitting a new 1RM is psychological. If the weight for a new back squat 1RM feels insanely heavy, then you’re unlikely to make the lift… However if you’re used to having that same 1RM weight on your back when doing quarter squats each week then it’ll feel “normal” when you attempt a full depth squat with it for the first time. It’s a big difference!
Do 3-5 sets of 5-12 reps after heavy full depth snatches, cleans and squats.
Post technique videos to Instagram and tag us!
-Doug (@douglaselarson)
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