You need to think about abs as more than just the six pack muscles over your stomach. Think of those as your “front abs”. Just because you think your front abs are cool (extra cool if you can see them!) doesn’t mean you...
The strict hanging leg raise is one of the best anterior core exercises you can do. It is a stable of gymnastics and any strength athlete can benefit from working them into their program. Most commonly, you’ll simply...
Too many training programs are writing only prescribing sagittal plane (front/back) movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges, pushups etc. Yes these are great movements and (depending on your goals) they should will...
I love making videos and simultaneously despise writing about them… here’s a TechniqueWOD about a cool way to “train your abs” using a rower.
-Doug (@douglaselarson)
Just like regular full contact twists (#132); static full contact twists are easily one of the Top 5 Movements I’ve ever done for core strength and stability. They’re especially great at building strength and stability...
Full Contact Twists are easily one of the Top 5 Movements I’ve ever done for core strength and stability. They’re especially great at building strength, speed and power in rotation. If you’re an athlete who has to run...
Ready to build size, strength, and a massive core. The Muscle Gain Challenge is your number 1 resource for increasing strength, size, and perfecting your technique in the Olympic Lifts. To make this journey as simple as...