Carl Paoli is one of our favorite coaches.
We couldn’t agree more with his core message that high-quality movement is always important. That’s critical when it comes to optimizing performance. But more than that, we also love Carl’s personal style.
Have fun, keep an open mind, and as you grow, work like hell to share what you’ve learned with others. Giving back is what will ultimately make you happy and successful.
On finding your path
Just about everybody knows Carl now, he’s been killing it online for years. But it’s a mistake to think that he’s in any way lucky, or an overnight success.
Carl has worked for a long time to gain distinction as a coach and movement specialist. He’s put in 10 years of focused work training clients and teaching audiences, but the preparation and journey started long before all that.
If you think you’ve walked down a crooked path, check out Carl’s resume:
- Competitive gymnast, although he’s the first to admit that he fell well-short of the Olympic dream.
- Environmental Sciences Major in College. Sure, he worked his fair share of low-level, no-pay intern gigs while in school. We’ve all been there.
- Flyer-handout guy out on the street (no shit, he really did that!).
- Aquarium ticket salesman.
- It should come as no surprise, Carl has even worked as a male model.
If you haven’t quite found your dream job or passion yet, keep going. That time spent drifting around is far more valuable than you could ever know, at least now anyway. Finding your true path takes time, but it’s worth it.
Just keep going.
Make it happen.
What motivates Carl?
Carl’s an amazing teacher. It’s no surprise to hear that people and their feedback are what motivate him most. But it’s family that motivates Carl most to keep teaching and sharing his Freestyle message.
He’ll be the first to tell you that the seminars, the book promo, the constant attention, it all wears on those you love most. And sure, life can be a struggle, but with the support of your family and loved ones you can achieve anything you want, you can survive anything you might face.
In Carl’s case, that even includes raising a teenage daughter! Love is strong, friends. Build your life around it and you’ll be successful and happy.
For more from Carl, make sure to check out the Freestyle Connection. He’s got some exciting things coming you don’t want to miss.
Reign Supreme!
Great interview. Nice job CTP. Keep after it! I think I completed the Barbell Shrugged marathon today. Episode 169 of Barbell Shrugged, newest episode of Get Change, episode 59 of Barbell Business, and now the second episode of Reigning Supreme. Long walks to and from class do have their upsides.
CTP – Great interview and far improved from the Julie Foucher one, huge improvement so great job! Although please…stand still! 😀
Ha! I’ll try! I’m the biggest fidgeter on the planet… Ask mike Doug or Chris. I stay finger tapping…. Swaying… Pacing. But Ill try!
Lookin’ good, Paoli!
Nice work man! That was an awesome interview.
Great interview CTP! Keep ’em coming!