Barbell Shrugged

Training for the Crossfit Games w/ AJ Roberts

Doug Larson

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  • Great realistic information. I had the similar effect on my body. Went from heavy lifting for 17yrs to Crossfit and suddenly had joint issues and pains that I never had lifting. You just can’t dive in and expect to be ok, ease into it let your body adapt and learn what you really want then go beast mode on it. Great video, amazing lift AJ

  • I can relate to the commitment that goes into being a CrossFit athlete at that competitive level. I’m 23, single, with no real responsibilities other than work and training. I have been doing CrossFit for a year and have realistic obtainable goals to keep me motivated to one day make it to the big stage. The only downfall is that I work the night shift as an ER nurse. However, I switched my routine so that I live the night life and sleep during the day, even on days off of work. I have been documenting my sleep pattern, daily intake, and have also been keeping a journal of my energy level before and after sleep and training sessions. I respect how much sleep is required to train at a high level, knowing that it takes time as well as dedication to get what you really want. Perhaps one day I will be able to contribute knowledge to the exercise community and help others working the dreaded night shift. Who knows, I may even be discussing this topic on your show one day. Hopefully see you (barbell shrugged team) as a regional athlete this year or next!

  • Definitely agree with many of the comments in regards to the evolution of competitive CrossFit. I think that the 2015 CrossFit Games season will be the first year you will see almost all Games and even all Regional level competitors who are treating the sport as professional athletes. There will be a few people, I’m sure, who have jobs or families outside of CrossFit, but with the creation of the Super Regionals where Top 20 out of The Open compete, it does not leave much room for those who have not dedicated their lives 100% to training and recovery. Also, great mention about the future 5-10 years down the road where most elite athletes will be those who started as teenagers, definitely on point with that prediction in my mind.

    P.S. first time, in awhile, actually watching an episode. I usually listen to these in the car on my commute to work, and you guys are right, much better experience on screen. As always, thanks!

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