Barbell Shrugged

Stoke Your Fire – In Memory of Chris Moore

Doug Larson

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  • This is so very sad. Although I never got to meet Chris he has changed my life in so many ways and I will be forever grateful. My utmost condolences to his family, friends and the team at Barbell Shrugged.

  • Guys, I cannot express in words the deep sympathy I have for all of you, his family, and the community. Having been a hungry listener to the podcast and a coach following and demonstrating principles taught by Chris and others, I am extremely saddened and truly left dumbfounded at the loss.
    Chris was real. Real people leave an impact on everyone they touch even if it’s simply through podcast and video.
    Chris was and is an inspiration. His words and teachings are used daily in my facility. Forever grateful. Thank you.

  • Wisdom, inspiration, and motivation are of the highest value. I cherish the Barbell Shrugged team for sharing all this with the world. Thank you to Chris for his contributions. Lots of love to his family, Mike, Doug, and the rest of his friends , hugs.

  • It is with a saddened heart I leave this response as I have come across this news. I did not know nor have I met Chris Moore, though through his writings and the barbell shrugged podcast I feel as though I lost someone close to me. Whenever I needed or didn’t even know I needed motivation, a laugh, or reassurance to continue on my path, he was able to provide. His enjoyment of sharing information to help people better themselves is a trait I am looking to possess every day and you could feel his caring and love for human kind through the screen of the tv and speakers of the car. He provided a positive role model for all humans in any walk of life. He taught me personally many things, most of which to never give up on a dream and be willing to work your ass off to reach it. It is with great sadness I will never get to meet the man that put so much positive thoughts and ideas inside of me, but his memory and legacy will live on inside me because of those things. To all of his friends and family my sincerest condolences go out to all of you. Remember, look back in wonder, and be happy you had the benefit to know, love, and cherish a great man. May you, Chris, rest in peace and smile down on those whose lives you touched.
    Shaka brah!

  • This is heartbreaking. My deepest condolences go out to his family, his friends, and his loved ones. He will be so missed, I cannot believe this.

  • Just so sad….gone too soon my thoughts and prayers with the family and friends of Chris… in paradise

  • Can’t believe this is true. Too young, too healthy, too happy. I’ve never met Chris, but I think the real shown through his work and that I got to enjoy and learn from him. I will remember him for his lack of ego and constant search for knowledge.

  • Chris Moore changed my life. The Barbell Buddha podcast has helped me through a lot of tough times. I am gonna miss listening to his voice while I run or lift, telling me to calm down, chill out, and be in the here and now.

  • Chris felt like a real bud on the podcast. He was smart, honest, lively. He was out to help people achieve their fitness goals. He will be missed, and I will remember him.

  • “Into paradise, may the angels lead you.” As a father of two young kiddos, my heart breaks learning of your passing while yours is still so young. Rest in peace, brother. You transcended from this plane of existence far too soon.

  • This is truly heartbreaking. My most sincere condolences go out to all of Chris’s family, friends and loved ones. As an avid listener to the podcast, Chris drew me in with his charm and transparency. Such an amazing, inspirational man taken too soon. His legacy will live on. Very, very sorry to get this news.

  • I’ve listened to Barbell Shrugged and Barbell Buddha for a long time now, and though I never met any of you guys, I feel as though I’ve lost a friend. My heart goes out to all of you that had the real pleasure of knowing him.

  • Never met chris in person but i felt like i knew him through his show. He was the first podcast i had ever listened to and after listening to it the first thing i thought was “this guy is something else”. I became a huge fan and student of his and i can say that he made me a more positive, enlightened and inspired me to work even harder. He tought me to put in the work and regardless of how unconfident you feel about yourself if you got a dream there is no better time to start going after it than now. My love goes out to your wife, kids, family and friends. We’ll all carry you in our hearts every rep. See you soon brother.

  • As I read through these comments , and on this and other sites about Chis passing, I noticed a common thread. I am among many who’s life has been changed by Chirs and the barbell shrugged crew. Thank you. So much. I cannot think of a finer legacy. Rest in peace brother.

  • I loved and respected Chris. He had such a profound impact on me. His insight and perspective will be so missed. I read this news while listening to his Barbell Buddha Podcast. I still can’t believe this is real.

  • As a huge fan of the podcast and Chris I want to pass along my condolences to the barbell shrugged family. You will be in my prayers.

  • Even though Chris was a few years younger than me, I felt a kindred spirit in Chris. I think we had some similar sensibilities. Every episode of his podcast brought some nugget: be it words of wisdom or inspiration, or just a cool song. You will be missed, and our thoughts and prayers go out to your beautiful family.

  • This one hurts. I did not know not know Chris, but I felt I deep connection to him through his podcasts and writings . My condolences go of to his family and BBS community. I believe a large aspect of Chris’ success can be attributed to how real he was. The fact that his last Barbell Buddha podcast was called “about my dream come true” shows that Chris had a lot left to give. That being said, legacy his legacy will live on. One if the things that Chris taught me that I will never forget is to drop all your expectations for you self and just try your best and have fun. I think about that daily and apply to my training as we’ll as my personal life. You will be missed.

  • I am very sad to here of the Chris’s passing. Chris contributions to barbell shrugged where always insightful and carefully considered. The void he has left will never be adequately filled. Celebrate is his life, and the lasting impression that he has left on all of us. To Chris’s family and the Barbell Shrugged family, my condolences.

  • Absolutely heartbroken to hear of Chris’s passing. I met him two years ago at the Crossfit regionals I n Cincinnati. He, Doug, Mike and CTP took the time to stop by and speak with some goofy fans for a while. Chris was by far the most outgoing and you could feel the genuine love he had for his fellow man. I grieve his loss and I pray for him his wife and babies he left behind. God bless you Chris into this next life.

  • You will be missed Barbell Buddha. Your passion and wisdom have had a deep impact on my life – thank you.

  • I’m relatively new to Barbell Shrugged but I’ve consumed as many podcasts as my free time will allow. Being a garage gym athlete you guys are the closest things to real coaches I have. You all keep me company and pass along advice while I chip away at my stone block by myself. I had just subscribed to Chris’ podcast this morning and listened to the last episode he recorded. Deepest sympathies to Chris’ family and the Barbell Shrugged community.

  • A brother from another mother. Never met you but love your soul.
    I truly feel like shit. I just cannot believe this. God bless you. God bless your children & wife. You really made a difference.
    Stoic Viking

  • I’m so saddened to hear about Chris’s passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and kids and other members of his immediate family. To the crew at Barbell Shrugged; I’m sorry for the loss you’ve experienced as well; he was such a dynamic part of everything that Barbell Shrugged has become. I really have no other words. I never knew Chris but I’ve been a faithful follower of the Shrugged Podcast for close to two years. He will be greatly missed.

  • I’ve been searching his book Get Change for something he would say to those he leaves behind. I think I’ve found it:
    “Your heart will only get heavier and heavier, and harder and harder to lift. The flow of life will go on, of course it will, and you will be pulled in the current. You will want to go, you will know the calling, but your heart will remain anchored. It will stretch, It will ache. That’ll never change, please know that. At best you will go totally numb. You’ll just forget what you love. Don’t ever let that happen. Heavy or light, pick it up. Hold it high for all to see. Drift along with the current of life. Remain present. Don’t be driven by external expectations, ever. Just let the next thing you do also be the most important thing you could do. You are divine, so don’t waste a fucking moment of your time. Let the pain accumulate with the drift, but keep it wiped clean. See the shiny polished finish underneath, a clearer view of what matters most.
    See for yourself that there’s really nothing to fear. The hurt can be bad, the resource scarce, the pain very real and very heavy, but you are not powerless. You can still act, you can still reach. You are still capable of picking your heart up and carrying it wherever you want, really. So, what’s stopping you?”
    Excerpt from “Get Change” by Chris Moore

    • Thanks for posting that, Josh. I just went and purchased his book off Amazon because of it.
      I’ll truly miss hearing Chris on his podcasts. His unique voice has left a lasting impression on me and the way he lived his life. RIP, Chris.

  • Chris was an inspiration and very helpful to me. I will miss him. My condolences to his family and the Barbell Shrugged community.

  • I think everybody is in shock. Chris obviously touched and made an impact on a lot people in the world. He made the world a better place, and left such a huge mark in a short amount of time. Although we never met in person, I’ve communicated with Chris through email, and he was a big inspiration in his teachings. A lot of people in the barbell shrugged community are saddened by this news, none more than his close friends at barbell shrugged and his immediate family. As followers of his ways, teachings and words of wisdom, we in the barbell shrugged community need to carry on what he brought to the world. He may never truly know how far his reach, really reached. My condolences go out to his family, and all his family at barbell shrugged who lost a brother. RIP Chris, you will be missed Buddha

  • I never met you guys but I feel like I lost a brother. I’ve followed you guys since the beginning and you’ve inspired me in more ways than I can even say. I can’t believe Chris is gone because it seems like it’s just a bad dream. I feel for you guys and Chris’ family. I love you, Hawaii loves you. You will live forever in our hearts.

  • Shocked and saddened when I first heard the news. The tribute video also hit a cord with me, to stoke my fire. A powerful message. I’d love to see Tshirts made with Chris’ slogan on the back. I would buy one and wear it with pride.

  • I’ve listened to Chris speak so many times that I feel as if I knew him personally. I gained a lot from him, and he accomplished his goal of being a master teacher, even if it was in small ways in my life as a humble follower of barbell shrugged. Very sad to see him go. Condolences to his family and friends. Thanks for all the wisdom. Keep shrugging.

  • Deepest condolences to his wife and children, to his family in the strength and conditioning world and his fans in all other pursuits. I’ve listened to some 200 hours of this man and am truly saddened by his loss. Sleep well big man.

  • Hard to believe that this happened. I’ve been listening to the Barbell Shrugged podcast for a few months now, and Chris’ words have taught me much about life and fitness. Although I didn’t know him personally, I feel that Chris had one of the most colorful personalities out there. He had such a unique combination of wisdom, humor, and drive, and compassion. He will be greatly missed.

  • One of the most inspiring people. Rip. All my condolences to his family and friends! Heartbreaking news.

  • Like many others I never met Chris, however his words resonated deeply and pushed me to become a better version of myself. My heart goes out to all of his family and friends at this time.
    Thank you Chris for being the person you were and bringing your light to this world if only for a brief time.

  • My deepest condolences to his family and friends. Chris was an inspiration, and I’m truly saddened by this news. May his inspiration and legacy live on. I have donated on the GoFundme page, but might I suggest that the Barbellshrugged crew could create a t-shirt in his honor where the proceeds go directly to his wife and kids?

  • I couldn’t believe what I was reading this morning. I seen the email subject line and thought it was some joke to pull you in to read about how Chris has started a new life or something only to be shocked and saddened by the news that he has passed away.
    I have never met Chris but listening to him on the Shrugged podcast and his own podcast I feel I got to know him. The best way I can describe him is as a big friendly bear, who liked dick jokes. (-: He was such a positive person and must have been a joy to be around.
    My deepest sympathies go out to his family and the Shrugged crew.
    Gone but not forgotten.

  • This saddens me deeply. I’ve been listening to you guys for several years and Chris always had a way of expressing himself with clarity and force. My utmost condolences to his family and to all of you at the Barbell Shrugged team.

  • Like so many others I was shocked and deeply saddened by the news of Chris’s passing. Also like others I have a profound sense of loss for a man I have never met or spoken to yet feel that I know despite this. My deepest condolences to Chris’s wife and family, and to the obviously tight knit community he was a part of at BBS and beyond.

  • Beautiful tribute. Chris had so much left to offer but I hope his family and the Barbell Shrugged team can take some comfort in the profound impact he had on so many people. Chris could always be relied upon to educate, to inspire and to challenge his audience to set the bar higher. And to keep you entertained with his remarkable repetoire of dick jokes. Thank you Chris for inspiring me to unleash my fullest potential. RIP xx

  • Wow I can’t believe this. I thought it was a joke and had to come to the site to see if this was real. He was a brutally strong guy, and seemed super friendly and a great family man. I’m bummed to hear this. Still doesn’t seem real…

  • This is shocking. When I first began to dabble in training and weightlifting I found the Barbell Shrugged podcasts. I was a philosophy major in college at the time, and Chris and his way of teaching really resonated with me. My heart goes out to all of the Shrugged family. He’ll be sorely missed.

  • This news of the passing of Chris is surreal, unimaginable, and stunning to those of us who saw in him a man of exceptional character. It’s sad that the world has lost the kind of man that it needs the most. But Chris’ contributions will stay with those of us who knew his heart. Rest in Peace, Brother.

  • this is such sad news.. he was an inspiration for me as an athlete/coach with a belly. May he rest in peace..

  • Although I initially listened to him for his the knowledge he shared, the thing that really set Chris apart from the rest was the level kindness and wisdom that shone through in every podcast and interview. He was a quality person, as well as a quality coach. Condolences to his family.

  • Wow this really is hitting hard. I found this show about a year and a half or so ago, and watched it voraciously. So sorry for the loss. It is truly terrible to lose a friend.

  • I never knew Chris on a personal level, but like all of you on the BBS crew, I have come to think of him as a friend. Your willingness to open yourselves up over the years has drawn all of us in to your world, and there are so many like myself that will be forever grateful that you have chosen this path in life. Chris was…(I still can’t grip the past tense nature of the word)… an amazing human being that helped me understand the differences in others and to find the happiness of watching others succeed in their own way. His enlightenment and true joy for family, friends, and total strangers is a trait to be admired and his capacity to love others was astounding. I feel like I have lost a friend, and cannot imagine what you and his family must be going through right now. You are all in my prayers, hoping that the memories you’ve had with him will endure for a lifetime. RIP Chris Moore; a true gift to the world

    • Really couldnt just say something like, “oh man, or nooo not chris” but have to be rude and spit in peoples face. Keep it classy

  • My condolences to Chris’s family and friends.
    I can only echo the words said so many times before… never met him but impacted by him and the BBS crew.
    Keep chasing PRs in the big gym in the sky.

  • Sad I’ll never get to meet you Chris. You didn’t know it, but we were friends. Thanks for all your insights.

  • Wow! can we stop losing great people like Chris and lose the the ones that take our air. I’d loved to have met Chris, he is what i missed most about the new crew on barbell shrugged. So sorry for your lose and sympathies to all family and friends. Keep hitting those weights big man, in the next journey.

  • I was not aware you had moved over to Amsterdam. I would have loved to have met you here. My sincere condolences to family and friends.

  • I never met Chris but he certainly impacted me and my everyday life. I will continue to listen to you guys laughing each week and hope that Chris is resting well and looking over everyone.

  • This morning I felt the need to look up Barbell Shrug since I had last listened in DEC15/JAN16 when they had cut their show. Of all the days to go back to Barbell Shrugged and find out of Chris Moore’s passing. Unbelievable. I like to get my mind going with some straight talk and workout motivation. Barbell Shrugged was great for that. Today, I have been lost and wandering around all day trying to understand and accept it. I still cannot believe it. Like Chris I am a heavy weight lifter and have reached a point when it is no longer about the weights I lift, but in what I discover about myself over time and through the struggles. I have been struggling this year with the flu in FEB16 and a knee sprain in MAY16. I was feeling better recently and looking for that motivation to get back in the game. I looked for Barbell Shrugged and found Chris has passed on suddenly. My sympathies to his family in this very difficult time. My tribulations do not compare to the difficult time for this wonderful family.

  • RIP Brother.
    We never met, but through your works it was as if I knew you.
    I really enjoyed your books, insight, and discussions.
    You will be missed but not forgotten.
    Thanks for everything.

  • Thank you for providing the platform in which Chris could inspire. I have been listening to Barbell shrugged religiously since the start and the news of Chris’s passing has deeply saddened me. My deepest condolences go to Chris’s friends and family. He maybe gone but his teachings and spirit will not be forgotten.
    Strength and Bravery
    Rest in Peace Chris.

  • Will miss your ideas on life and training Chris, thanks so much for everything. To Chris’s family and close friends, he’s left a mark on the way I think for the better and I’m sure that goes for a lot of people around the world. So sorry for you all.

  • To me, Chris came through, on videos and podcasts, as just a good-guy who was curious about the world and loved his life. R.I.P.

  • I had been traveling a lot over the last several months and just got started catching up on podcasts today… what sad news.
    Chris was always my favorite part of the shrugged crew. Until the originals handed over the reins to the show, I had never missed an episode. Chris was the main reason for this…he was very much like the younger, irreverent brother I never had. I really wish I had had the opportunity to meet him. His sense of humor, ill timed as it often was, made the show real. It took the edge off of serious, terrific content and it humanized it…and even though I am 50 w 5 kids of my own, he often made me feel like the 15 year old I wish I could still be most of the time….how many time will Chris talk about “dick jokes” this week???… He also showed me that in many ways I could be 15 again, I had the potential to do a handstand too at 290 lbs and I shouldn’t be so hard on my self all the time.
    He will be missed. My condolences to the community and his family.

  • RIP Chris. I am and was a big fan of his…thinking about his “bloat” stories prior to a competition still makes me chuckle. He will be missed.
    My condolences to his friends and family.

  • I am sorry for the loss that all of you who knew Chris well are experiencing. The video made above was very impressive as to who he was and will continue to be as anyone reflects on Chris and his mission. I know the video impacted me with current pursuits and doubts that have. Thank you

  • It’s been a while since my last episode of Barbell Shrugged, life has been difficult and I have been struggling to get on top of everything .
    I like many are dumbfounded with the news of the death of Chris.

  • Shocked and saddened. I stumbled across your podcasts a year ago, can’t believe he’s gone. Never met, but learned a lot and always was eager to hear his inputs and experiences. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • I stopped listening regularly in 2015, around the time my ex-wife left and Mike, Doug, and Chris started pursuing more separate interests. Chris had a tendency to talk over guests and ramble (artistically) until he could reach a cogent point. While Doug was a necessary voice to keep things on track, I gained a lot of respect for Chris’s way with words. He was inspirational. I was excited for the success of the Shrugged crew, and proud of Chris for chasing a new path.
    I’ve been catching up with the show recently and kept wishing they’d get the old crew back together. Maybe it’s nostalgia, but the chemistry and content of the new episodes just don’t hook me the same. Then I came across this news earlier today. I keep tearing up, recalling different episodes, how they affected me and where I was at that time in my own life. I have enjoyed and learned so much from your shows. I know this is way late, but I felt like I needed to express my condolences to his family and friends, and my appreciation to Chris and the core collective for filling voids, audible and intangible.

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