Barbell Shrugged

The best of Christmas, and a promise.

Doug Larson


  • Fantastic way to finish the year! Christmas Abbott has a Santa Stocking full of information. Can’t wait to come back to the episode with a notepad and pen and start to implement the 5 habits. Both you and I with big years ahead.
    Keep it coming guys!
    #barbelluniversityin2016? #I’dbehappytobethestudentifthereisapilotcourse

  • Can’t wait for you guys to come back! Miss you all – on the flip side, I’ve now listened to every old episode you’ve made 😛 Looking forward to more great content!

    • Thank you Connie 🙂 We’ve been really hard at work on the brand new thing. Almost ready to launch it. Cheers to you. Chris

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