TechniqueWOD is back!
Moving, as well as teaching and coaching movement, is one of the great joys of my life.
I was fortunate to have great movement coaches growing up (gymnastics and weightlifting); having good technique was an absolute requirement. There was no such thing as “slop” growing up. The only option was to “do it perfect or put the bar down” (ie., rest and try again).
Having very high standards for technique was one of the greatest gifts I could have ever been given. The weights were a tool to learn efficient, powerful and safe movement improving my athleticism in the weight room (last 20 year), on the football field (HS and college) and in the cage (MMA etc; post-college to present).
I’m excited to be once again sharing all that I know with you. I love making these videos! Please let me know what you’d like to see next as I’m always looking for great ideas and/or suggestions for future episodes.
Hope you enjoy!
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